The 2023 Civic Society Awards - All here!

The role of the Society is to stimulate public interest in the town, promote high standards of planning and architecture and to secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic, environmental or public interest in this area.

Weston-super-Mare first began to attract visitors over 200 years ago. During the Victorian period it grew into a town of quality and character. We have a fine heritage of handsome buildings, parks and gardens, an attractive coastline and beautiful countryside.  There is much of interest and value to protect.

 50th Anniversary Celebration

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Society’s founding in February 1973, it has gifted to the town a bottle refilling station. This has been installed in the Italian Gardens. The facility will help reduce the number of single use plastic containers in the resort.                                   

 At the handover ceremony on the 31 May 2023, Civic Society Chairman David Agassiz presented the gift   to North Somerset Council Cllrs. Mike Solomon, the executive member for culture and leisure and Mark Canniford, executive member for spatial planning, placemaking and economy. 

 North Somerset Council and in particular to Ed McKay were thanked for assisting the process and EJ McGrath Construction Ltd. for the design and installation. It is hoped both local residents and visitors, will take the opportunity to use this facility.  

  The 2023 Civic Society Awards - All here!

Civic Society objects to the London Inn proposals


An objection has been submitted for the application to convert the London Inn into a five storey building with a pub, retail space and 22 flats above.


The proposal, fronting the High Street, is bland, uninspiring and oversized. 


Past Planning Applications

Civic Society objects to Premier Inn proposals

An objection has been submitted for the application for external alterations at ground floor level.

The proposals will have a very negative effect on the immediate area and the active environment of the Sea Front.


This application has now been WITHDRAWN.

Past Planning Applications
 Civic Society Meetings

Monday 10th March 2025

The Go-op Cooperative Railway

Go-op is a co-operative rail operator preparing open access services for Somerset and Wiltshire
7.30pm at the Museum, Burlington Street  BS23 1PR
Open to all
More details and future meetings
Civic Society Comments on Grove Park plans

An objection has been made to the plans for the location of a new toilet block.

The proposed demolition of the exiting toilet combined with the replacement landscaping is most welcomed and will do much to improve the Park’s entrance. Our  concerns are over the siting of its replacement. 

Even North Somerset Council are concerned about anti social behaviour and there is no proposal for any lighting in the park for access.

Past Planning Applications
Civic Society Objects to a New Shop Front

An objection has been made to the retrospective applications for the installation of a new shop front and illuminated signs.

The North Somerset Shopfront design guide is very clear on facia designs.

Both applications have now been refused and have gone to an appeal.(24/P/0260/FUL & 24/P/0261/ADV)

Past Planning Applications

Civic Society Objects to Tropicana Plans

An objection has been made to the plans for the redevelopment of the Tropicana.

We fully support and agree with the Consultation Reply by Historic England.

The overall height has not been reduced with unnecessary additions.  The final brick selection has not been made.


Past Planning Applications

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