Annual Awards 2024

The 2024 Civic Society Awards 

Nominations are now welcome

The Civic Society Annual Awards Ceremony will take place in April 2025.
The Society welcomes recommendations from members and the general public.
The awards are given for high quality improvements to the townscape of Weston-super-Mare made during the year.
The awards are made on merit, not upon size of the improvement, e.g. in the past they have been given for shop front improvements, murals, building facades and even walls in front gardens.
If you wish to propose a project for consideration please contact us with your name, contact details and a very brief statement concerning the project recommended. Please include its postal address and if possible, a photograph.
All nominations will be considered by the committee and the winners will receive a framed certificate issued at the Awards Ceremony.
Members and proposers are cordially invited to attend our presentation ceremony at which recipients and their significant contributors will be invited to give a short introduction to their project.
Please contact us at or by the Contact Us page.

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